About Denkspa
Initiator and writer : Girindra Wiratni Puspa
The Editor of German’s Articles : Tobias Nico Denker
All what we always want to share in this blog is cultures and everything related. Let’s get to know who we are:
Girindra Wiratni Puspa:

Hi, Indra is writing here. I am an Indonesian and have been living in Germany since 10th January 2014. I’d started living in Germany by working as an au pair in Austrian family who lives in Munich. It’s been an amazing year for me.
A year after, I moved to another beautiful city (in northern Germany), Hamburg. Not that I don’t like Bayern, it was just because I wanted to improve my German language ability (in Bayern, I hardly understood what German people talk to each other). Yes, because of their Bavarian Dialect. ? In Hamburg, I had worked as voluntary Service (in German’s term would be Freiwilligendienst Soziales Jahr or FSJ) for 18 months. It has ended in August 2014, exactly 2 months before I have started my Master Study.
By the time I am writing this text, I am a post graduate student of Austronesistik study in University of Hamburg. (let me check what date it is now : 14 March 2017) ?
All that I want to share here is my experience living in such country which has totally different cultures, people’s perspectives, habits, norms, and many more things. Moreover, I am also sharing ways, information, and tips considering to the Indonesian people who currently are living in Germany, or they who want to go to Germany. Accordingly, I am writing in Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia).
There are some articles which were written in German for Germans who are interested in Indonesian cultures. There will be more and more (I hope I will have more mood and time for it).
This blog welcomes everyone to join as a guest writer. People who want to share their interest and cultures. Most welcome for Indonesian who also live in different country and culture.
Looking forward to meet you in a real life 🙂
Tobias Nico Denker:
Tobias Denker (Denker means literally: Thinker) so you can call him Tobi a Thinker man ?. He is a 100% German, but more proud to be an Italian or Indonesian ?. He is an amazing guy who did a bike tour in more than 10.000 km through European countries. If you are interested in knowing about his journey, please visit his very own blog (written in German: Tobi On Tour). Now, he is settled and has a job in Hamburg. He is not an active writer in this blog, his job is helping the writer to comment and correct the articles she has written in German.
Aku mencintaimu, mbaaaakk :*
follow en blog ku ria :3…. I miss yiuuuuu
Udah loh, mbaaak :*
Hello Mba Indra
Aku tertarik banget nih membicarakan tentang Eropa, kalau boleh aku minta contactnya mba Indra, kalau boleh tolong kirim ke emailku ya mba pramita.vera@yahoo.com
Karena aku ada niat mau au pair ke jerman juga.
Hallo Vera,
Terima kasih sudah membaca blogku. Kamu bisa ngontak aku lewat email yang udah ada di sudut atas (Contact Me). Good luck and see you in Germany
Hai Girindra salam kenal ya, makasih sudah mampir dan komentar di blogku. Btw request dong keluarin widget berlangganan blogmu yg pakai email, soalnya saya jarang sekali bukan google plus.
Hallo Nella,
Aku impressed banget ama blog kamu yang ceria, terbuka dan informative ttg Jerman dan segala tetek bengeknya. Makanya rameeee banget…aku sampe ga kebagian mau komen. 😀 aku udah follow kamu, jadi aku bisa dapet reading list kamu. dan sesuai dengan request kamu, aku udah pasang widget followed by email. Makasih juga ya udah mampir 😀 Salam Kenal
wooooi saaam
Halo mba Girindra! Salam kenal dari Indonesia ehehehe.
Baru baca 1 post sih, tapi tanpa ragu langsung follow this amazing blog 🙂
huweee Eropa! Jerman! Luar negeri!
Saya tertarik banget dengan hal-hal baru kaya budaya dan bahasa. Dulu SMA belajar bhs Jerman, tapi susaaaah. Eh tapi bahasa Jerman itu bahasa kece banget! Meski buruk soal tatabahasa aku nyimpen dan ngafalin bbrp lagu Jerman kaya 'Wir Leben den Moment' sama 'Bedingungslos' nya Kate und Ben ehehe (lah curhat xD)
Pokoknya salam kenal ya kak!!! ^__^ xoxo
halo… mb… Girindra.. salam kenal, aku mulai membaca ceritamu dari blog kak Nella "Modal Nekat ke Jerman pasti bisa" membaca ceritamu dari waktu kecil aku terharu banget, sedih banget anak kecil kok harus bekerja dan sedikit mendapat KDRT dari nenek… sedih dan tersiksa banget pastinya… tapi semua itu menjadikanmu seperti sekarang. salut banget TOP BGT… semoga semakin lengkap mimpimu bisa terwujud… 🙂 salam hangat dari indonesia…
Cool.. tambah kerennn… mb kapan nek jogjane? =pp:)
Makasih Zahra…aku juga suka banget blogmu yang kece 😀
Salam 🙂
terima kasih apresiasinya yaaa 🙂
September Vit,,, 🙂
Hi…Terimakasih sudah menulis danmemberikan banyak informasi mengenai Au Pair. Apakah kakak punya cotoh Motivation Letter untuk AuPair? Saya hanya menemukan motivation letter untuk FSJ diwebsite kakak. Please send me by email if you don't mind. Thankyou very much.